BaRaCK OBAma I Am imPREsSeD frOm His liFe ---44Th president of the united states Barack obama 's unique biography and successful campiagn for the u.s presedency have opened a new chapter in u.s politics . president obama had the first president of usa brings of life story unlike that of any previous u .s leader the bioracial son of kenyan father and white mother from the american heartland .obama shot to national prominencce with a well recieved keynote spech at the democratic national convention in 2004the same year he was elected to the u.s senate from the state of illionois .just four years later ,he rose to the top of the field croweded with democratic heavyweight to clinch his party's nomination for the white house and win the presidental election against republican candidate date senetor john mccain . with a polished speaking style a command of eloquent and upliftingrhetoric ,the abillity to inspire the enthusium of young voters and the sophisticated use of the internet as a campaign tool obama was very much 21st century candidate .in his campiagn obama stressed two overarched themes changing washington 's traditional way of conducting the nation business and invoking america of divvers ideological social and racial background to unite for the common good .there is not a liberal america and a conservative i hope that he is a forever president for us he can do every solve these programme. published by obama mag
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